Health Coaching

As a Certified Health Coach through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, I provide a wide range of services to help individuals, families and organizations achieve their wellness goals.

Need a nudge in the right direction?

let me help you

make and follow a plan

My services include a variety of customizable group workshops, individual consultations, and lectures!

Individual Consultations

Discover the best ways to achieve your health goals during this personal consultation where we will evaluate your current lifestyle, identify your needs, and develop a plan for you to learn how to live your abundant life.

First half hour free with purchase of a Zyto Wellness Scan.


One hour session

Group Presentations

Coming Soon – Contact us to discuss options to best fit your needs.

Online Classes

Learn easy ways you can simplify your life while improving your overall health, weight, energy, and focus.

Group sessions for an entire family and friends or individual sessions.

Contact us to discuss options to best fit your needs.


Smart Shopping

Coming Soon – Contact us to discuss options to best fit your needs.

Pantry Makeovers

Coming soon – Contact us to discuss options to best fit your needs.

Science-Based Solutions

Take control of your health and learn simple, effective strategies to help prevent disease, sleep better, sharpen thinking, boost energy, reduce cravings and more!

Strategies Personalized For:

Adults & Seniors

  • Prevent disease and unhealthy aging
  • Boost energy levels and reduce stress
  • Sleep better and think sharper
  • Use good nutrition to reduce pain and inflammation
  • Reduce the risk of cancer and ailments such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and arthritis
  • Become fit, strong and flexible